- What stock exchange is Allied Esports traded on and under what ticker symbol?
The Company is listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker symbol "AESE".
- When was Allied Esports incorporated, and in which state?
- Where are Allied Esports’ headquarters?
The Company's headquarters are located at:
17877 Von Karman Ave., Suite 300
Irvine CA 92614
Tel: (949) 225-2600- How can I purchase Allied Esports’ stock?
Shares of the Company can be purchased through a licensed broker.
- When is Allied Esports’ fiscal year end?
The Company’s fiscal year ends on December 31st.
- Who is Allied Esports’ independent registered public accounting firm?
The Company’s auditor is Marcum LLP.
- Does Allied Esports offer a direct purchase program?
The Company currently does not offer a direct stock purchase plan. To purchase Allied Esports’ stock, you must contact a licensed broker.
- Whos is Allied Esports’ transfer agent? Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
The Company’s transfer agent is:
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
1 State Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10004
www.continentalstock.com- How can I get added to your email distribution list to receive notices of earnings releases?
Please visit the Email Alerts section of our website.
- Where can I find Allied Esports’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission?
The Company’s SEC filings can be found under the SEC Filings section of our website or by visiting www.sec.gov.
- How can I get a copy of Allied Esports’ Annual Report or other investor materials?
Please visit the SEC Filings section of our website.
- What is the CUSIP number for Allied Esports’ stock?
The Company’s CUSIP number is 09216T107.
- How can I contact Investor Relations?
The Company’s investor relations contact is:
Lasse Glassen
Addo Investor Relations
[email protected]