Annual report pursuant to Section 13 and 15(d)

Significant Accounting Policies (Details)

Significant Accounting Policies (Details) - USD ($)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2020
Dec. 31, 2019
Significant Accounting Policies (Textual)
Definite lives with intangible assets 10 years
Impairment of investments $ 6,138,631 $ 600,000
Impairment related to deferred production cost 330,340
Percentage of likelihood 50.00%
Percentage of variable conversion 87.00%
Floor price $ 0.734
Anti-dilutive shares related to convertible debt 1,154,789
Advertising costs $ 97,840 $ 470,746
Concentration risk, percentage 10.00% 11.00%
Number of customers 2
Percentage of company's consolidated revenues accounted by largest customer 14.00%
Functional currencies translation 1.2264 1.1215
Weighted average exchange rate in foreign currency translation $ 1.1414 $ 1.1194
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) $ 0 14,941
Customer One [Member]
Significant Accounting Policies (Textual)
Percentage of company's consolidated revenues accounted by largest customer 41.00%
Customer One [Member] | Accounts Receivable [Member]
Significant Accounting Policies (Textual)
Percentage of company's consolidated revenues accounted by largest customer 74.00%
Customer Two [Member]
Significant Accounting Policies (Textual)
Percentage of company's consolidated revenues accounted by largest customer 13.00%
Property and Equipment [Member]
Significant Accounting Policies (Textual)
Impairment of property and equipment $ 5,595,557 $ 0